Our Approach to Sports Injury Recovery

Playing sports is a deeply enriching experience, but the journey is not without its share of risks, particularly the risk of injuries (and especially in competitive athletes). Traditional medical treatments, while effective, often entail unwanted side effects and prolonged recovery periods. Fortunately, we provide a natural and safe alternative for addressing sports injuries through the…

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Reflexology and Athletes

If you or someone you love is an athlete, you understand that “blood, sweat, and tears” isn’t just a figure of speech. Athletes push their bodies to the limits, and whether they’re working out for stress relief or training for the Olympics, their bodies can take the toll. Reflexology is a complementary therapy that can…

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Your Brain on Exercise

As I was growing up, I was a young athlete, and I loved the challenge that it gave my body. Being mentally and physically active was important to me, and gave me knowledge and experience that went far beyond the classroom. I played team sports and individual sports, and learned how to push my brain…

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