Our Approach to Sports Injury Recovery

Playing sports is a deeply enriching experience, but the journey is not without its share of risks, particularly the risk of injuries (and especially in competitive athletes). Traditional medical treatments, while effective, often entail unwanted side effects and prolonged recovery periods. Fortunately, we provide a natural and safe alternative for addressing sports injuries through the…

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Winter Foot Care

As the crisp winter air approaches, our focus on wellness must extend to the often-neglected area of foot care. As a reflexologist, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of reflexology in maintaining not only foot health but overall health during the colder months. Join me on this journey as we explore the importance of winter foot…

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Navigating Cold and Flu Season

There is a current reel going around the internet that shows a mom lining up cold and flu medicines for her kids as we enter cold and flu season. It’s got a pretty funny premise with catchy music but the reality is that sickness season is upon us, and it’s no fun for anyone! Did…

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Why Reflexology in the Autumn and Winter Months?

As the temperatures begin to fall and we head into autumn and winter here in Austin, many are exploring ways to improve their immune systems and overall health in the colder months. Reflexology is a complementary therapy that focuses on applying pressure to points on the body to offer several benefits to physical and emotional…

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Benefits of Facial and Skeletal Alignment

You may not realize it, but the way you carry yourself throughout the day can have a significant impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health. From the way you sit at your desk to the way you walk down the street, every movement you make can affect your body’s alignment and function. Think about…

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